Utah immunization program

Department of Health and Human Services

Attention Utah immunization program participants; Sign up to our quarterly newsletter


Locate a clinic

Find the best location that covers your vaccination needs.


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Docket Page

Access your immunization records

Download the iPhone or android mobile phone app. Grab your family's official Utah immunization records

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Back to school

Ensure your child is up-to-date on routine vaccines and well-child checkups.




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Adults gathered together

Older adults (50+)

Are you wondering what vaccines are relevant to you?




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Vaccine recommendations

Access immunization recommendations for all your family members.




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Information for the public

One of greatest challenges facing infant immunizations in Utah is the perception that vaccine-preventable diseases do not present a significant threat and there is no reason to immunize children. . .

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Vaccines for children (VFC) program

The Utah Vaccines for children (VFC) program provides vaccines to participating providers for children birth through 18 years of age who are. . .

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Information for healthcare providers

At some point, most patients will encounter the need for vaccination. Many people question how vaccines are made, if they are effective and whether they are safe. . .

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School and early childhood program requirements

There are many things about being a kid that are unforgettable -- running, jumping, learning to read or playing with friends. Getting a vaccine-preventable disease should not be one of them. . .

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Online immunization education module

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Utah statewide immunization information system (USIIS)

Visit the Utah statewide immunization information system to find out how to keep track of your family's immunizations.

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Online Immunization Education Module

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Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIIS)

Visit the Utah Statewide Immunization Information System to find out how to keep track of your family's immunizations.

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Our Mission

The mission of the Utah Department of Health and Human Services immunization program is to improve the health of Utah’s citizens through vaccinations to reduce illness, disability, and death from vaccine-preventable infections. We seek to promote a healthy lifestyle that emphasizes immunizations across the lifespan by partnering with the 13 local health departments throughout the state and other community partners.

From providing educational materials for the general public and healthcare providers to assessing clinic immunization records to collecting immunization data through online reporting systems, the Utah immunization program recognizes the importance of immunizations as part of a well-balanced healthcare approach.