Utah's Silver Syringe awards recognize individuals as well as clinics who have taken extra efforts to increase immunization awareness, improve immunization rates, and provide services or activities to help promote immunizations in Utah.
Outstanding Childhood Immunization Program
Given to an organization that demonstrates exceptional dedication to childhood immunizations.
Vanita Lee, Uintah Basin Healthcare
Outstanding Adolescent Immunization Program
Given to an organization that demonstrates exceptional dedication to adolescent
Midtown Community Health Center
Outstanding Adult Immunization Program
Given to an organization that demonstrates exceptional dedication to adult immunizations.
Davis County Health Department
Innovations in Influenza Immunization
Given to an individual, organization, or provider that demonstrates exceptional dedication to ensuring access to influenza vaccine or provided influenza education to their community members.
Melinda Rasmussen, Utah State Department of Corrections
HPV Vaccination Champion
Given to an individual, organization, or provider who is dedicated to raising rates of HPV vaccination in Utah and educating the community about the HPV vaccine.
Lacey Eden, DNP
Exceptional Immunization Nurse
Given to a nurse who demonstrates exceptional dedication to immunizations throughout their career.
Tammy Georgi, Summit County Health Department
Carrie Jernigan, RN
Community Partner
Given to an individual or community organization that demonstrates exceptional dedication to immunizations and furthering the mission of the Utah Immunization Program through collaboration and partnership.
Misty Kovacs, RN
Exceptional Immunization Medical Assistant
Given to a medical assistant who demonstrates exceptional dedication to immunizations in their practice
Damaris Villarroel, Intermountain Healthcare
Physician Champion
Given to a physician who demonstrates exceptional dedication to immunizations throughout their career.
Dr Prafulla Martin-Garg, Bear River Health Department