Utah Adult Immunization Coalitions

Utah Adult Immunization Coalitions

Mission statement

To improve adult immunization rates in the state of Utah through networking, access, and education.


  • Promote influenza and COVID-19 vaccination for all adults, with special emphasis on those at high risk. Promote pneumococcal vaccination of adults at high-risk.
  • Promote vaccination against hepatitis A, hepatitis B, pertussis,
    tetanus, human papillomavirus, chickenpox, zoster, and RSV
    for at risk adults 18 years and older.

Priority groups


  • High-risk groups (adults 50+, those with chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma)
  • Adults 18 years of age and older
  • Pregnant people
  • International travelers
  • College age students
  • Ethnic minority groups
  • Regional areas with low immunization rates


  • Medical providers for adult immunizations
  • Colleges statewide
  • Hospitals statewide
  • Pharmacies statewide
  • Healthcare workers statewide
  • Statewide Public health
  • Home healthcare agencies
  • Indian health clinics

Coalition meetings


UAIC meetings are currently held
virtually through Google Meet


Tamara Sheffield, M.D., M.P.A, M.P.H.

Coalition meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of most months 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Projects are proposed, developed, implemented, and evaluated through the general coalition member meetings.

Contact UAIC co-chair Kassidy Peterson at [email protected] for more information regarding membership or current activities of the Utah Adult Immunization Coalition.

Executive committee

The executive committee determines the agenda for the general coalition meetings. These duties include; determining presentation subjects and speakers, scheduling ongoing coalition business, and determining the current information or problems to be included on the agenda. The committee goal is to focus the direction of coalition activities: promoting partnerships, networking, and consensus among coalition members to achieve goals and objectives with measurable outcomes.

Member organizations