Long-Term Care Facility Immunization Report

Long-term care facility immunization report

Long‐term care facilities (LTCF) are required to report resident and employee immunization data to the Department of Health and Human Services Immunization program each year. This requirement is stated in section 5—Reporting of Data—of Utah Admin Rule R432-40, the long-term care facility immunization rule. 

Utah Admin Rule R432-40 was created to make sure LTCFs give residents and employees the chance to get vaccinated to help protect residents from vaccine-preventable diseases. LTCF environments and the vulnerability of their residents provide a setting where the influenza virus and other respiratory viruses can spread quickly, and these outbreaks can have devastating consequences for individuals and place extra strain on health services. Vaccination is the safest and most effective way to prevent the severe outcomes of these infections.

The Utah Admin Rule R432-40 requires long-term care facilities (LTCFs) to implement and maintain comprehensive immunization programs for residents and employees. Here’s a summary of the requirements:

  • Offer influenza vaccination every year during the current flu season to all residents and employees.
  • Offer COVID-19 vaccination to all residents and employees within 3 months of becoming eligible per ACIP recommendations.
  • Offer pneumococcal vaccination for each resident who has no record of being vaccinated or meets the vaccination criteria based on ACIP recommendations.
  • Collect vaccination records and immunization histories.
  • Document medical contraindications to and refusals of offered vaccines.
  • Report resident and employee vaccination data each year.
  • Facilities whose staff administer vaccinations must have resident standing orders for influenza, pneumococcal, and COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Make sure employees responsible for assessing, documenting, and reporting resident and employee immunization data complete the Long-term care immunization rule online training (link here and below) and receive an overview of reporting requirements at the time of hire.

Reporting is done through the LTC facility immunization report; a REDCap survey completed online that:

  • Opens April 1—facilities receive a link via email
  • Must be completed by April 30
  • Covers the reporting period of October 1 of the previous year to March 31 of the reporting year

All facilities receive instructions, helpful hints, and tips by email to complete the report in March. If you do not receive communication from the Immunization program, click here to update your contact information.

If it is April 1 or after and you need a link to the LTC facility immunization report, email [email protected] or call 801-538-9450 and ask for the long-term care facility immunization coordinator.

What is a long-term care facility?

Long-term care facilities are defined by Utah Admin Rule R432-40 as nursing care facilities, small health care facilities, assisted living type I and type II, intermediate care facilities for the intellectually disabled, and a general acute care hospital swing bed unit.


Why is the Utah Admin Rule R432-40
online training v2024.1 required?

The online Utah Admin Rule R432-40 LTC facility immunization rule training is required for all employees who are responsible for long-term care facility resident and employee immunization data assessment, documentation, and reporting.
